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Bright Star Club Create

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Is Your Wish List Filled Out?

Guess what tomorrow is?

It's the first day you can order from the Holiday Catalog!!!

If you are my customer and have ordered from me in the last year, you should have gotten a Holiday catalog in the mail. If you would like a catalog, just email me and I'll get it to you.

Ready to shop? My Online store is open all the time! Click on Shop Now and you are ready to shop. Need help? Just ask me, I am here to help in any way I can.

Here's a little peek of one of the bundles that I will feature in my September 24 class.

Want to make these cards and get a head start on your Christmas cards? Reserve your place now just by emailing me that you are coming. I will be sending more information so be sure I have your email address!


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That's all this time. I appreciate your time and look forward to sharing my love of Stampin' Up! with you.

Until next time, happy stamping,

Mary Lou Foster
Your Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator

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